Sunday, November 27, 2011

Boots, boots, and MORE boots!

Boots seem to be a must this season! I am obsessed with them myself. I have always been a boot lover, but this season they seem to be everywhere! I have especially been seeing more over the knee boots and I think they are great! Before, I would have never picked them out for myself, but now they are growing on me. You can wear boots with so many things. I love wearing a pair of brown boots with my black jeans. You have to tuck your jeans into the boots, or it just doesn't seem to work! I also love wearing them with skirts and dresses. I like black boots, but I am especially in love with all of the different brown shades. They are so versatile and I believe every girl looks great in them!

1 comment:

  1. Riding boots are really big now! I need to get a pait of leater boots myself.
